Roads and Trails v4  

The following Garmin map contains data for a good chunk of the State of Idaho.

Download:    Windows Version (11-14-22)  Mac Version (6-7-20) version 3 for now

Garmin Montana Screenshot

Basecamp Screenshot of the Cassia Division & North Canyon Park

Key for both a Garmin Montana, as well as Basecamp: 

  • Red = Interstates, state highways, US Highways, Idaho Byways.

  • Blue = Public roads or other paved roads through the BLM\Forest Service lands.

  • Orange = Roads that would be considered a narrow dirt road that would be suitable for a jeep.

  • Red\Black dashed lines = ATV trails or roads that could be considered a ATV trail. 

Release notes:

1.  These maps were updated on November 14, 2022.

2.  This map contains:

 A.  Idaho Interstates, state highways, us highways, Idaho Byways, and many public roads in many highway districts through the state.  Unfortunately, not all road districts are represented.

B.  Roads and atv trails from the following forests:  Boise, Sawtooth, Caribou-Targhee, Humboldt, Payett, Salmon, and Sawtooth forests.   Roads\Trails are named with the forest division first, road\trail type next, followed by the road number and name.  Example:  CD-ATV-868-Little Piney Access would be in the Cassia Division of the Sawtooth forest, is an ATV trail, and is trail 868 Little Piney Access.

C.  BLM roads and trails in a good chunk of Southern Idaho, Northern Nevada, and Northern Utah.

Most of these roads\trails were exported from the Idaho Trails data, then hand traced when they did not overlay the actual road accurately.  I also hand traced all other roads on BLM land. 

Most roads are un-named, so they are named sequentially. 

If a road has a "MR" prefix, it is either paved or dirt, but wide enough and in good enough shape to be vehicle safe. 

Anything with a "Jeep" prefix looked wide enough and in good enough shape for a jeep or beat up truck to go on. 

Anything with an "ATV" or "UTV" prefix is just that, probably good enough for an ATV or UTV to go on. 

Example:  BLM-CM-ATV-00001-No Name would be a ATV trail on BLM ground in the Craters of the Moon area. BLM-CM-ATV-3209-North Pagari Road would be a BLM road in the Craters of the Moon area, that doesn't get much use so I consider it an ATV trail.  It is road 3209 and it's name is North Pagari Road. 

  Legal stuff:

The forest service didn't make the map.  Don't complain to them if something is screwed up.  Always compare this map to the official MVUM to make sure I didn't screw something up.  Always have a current paper copy of the MVUM with you while riding.  I make no guarantee as to the accuracy of any of the data in the map since I have never ridden most of the roads and trails.  You get a ticket, it is your fault, not mine.


  1. Download the file you need.

  2. Run the Windows executable and follow the directions to install it.  On the Mac file, open the ZIP file and do whatever you normally do (I don't have a Mac at home, sorry)

  3. Open BaseCamp, and in your map list you find it in the list of map products.

  4. Now, once the map is in BaseCamp, transfer it to your GPS like you would transfer any map to it (inside BaseCamp, go to Maps - Install Maps, etc...)

  5. If you download and install a newer version of this map in BaseCamp, you also have to transfer the new map to your GPS.  I would suggest deleting the map from the GPS and then reinstall the new one.
